Welcome! I am super happy you stopped by because this is one of my favourite topics, nutrition!
I believe nutrition and well-being is extremely important and to maintain a healthy lifestyle is our responsibility. Whether we resort to how we were taught by our parents or we make our own decisions according to our knowledge, and/or health concerns. Either way, it is up to us, as to how and what we want to feed our bodies, so we can live a long healthy life.
Sometimes life shocks you even when you think you are doing everything right but in the Spring of 2024, I was diagnosed with a form of breast cancer. Went through all of the necessary tests to determine what needs to be done. I was very fortunate the cancer was caught early, but I did need surgery. This including a mastectomy and reconstruction which was my decision. I was terribly sick after surgery but bounced back quite quickly and I was told it would take about a year to fully recovery. I would have not known I had cancer as I didn’t have any symptoms. Going for my yearly mammogram was the first red flag and started the whole process. I can’t stress it enough to go for your regular check ups! I thought I was doing everything right, eating healthy, spending time with family and friends, going to my yoga classes, daily walks but what I narrow it down to is the stress and lack of sleep after my marital separation. I could have managed my stress better but it was a very difficult separation and now I am doing much better and everything I can to enjoy life, getting proper amount of sleep, joining yoga and Tai Chi classes, going for walks with Lily and learning new way to enjoy plant-base meals to reduce the amount of meat I am eating. So anyone reading this, it can be done! If you have questions, feedback and other suggestions, I would love to hear them. Stay healthy and stay safe! xo
Below, I will be outlining specific foods, spices, herbs, and even dishes that have several health benefits. Hope you enjoy the read and learn a thing or two. So let’s get started………..did you know….

Paprika is considered to be Hungary’s national spice producing 10,000 tonnes annually and exports 55%. Hungary itself produces eight grades/varieties. It is rich in antioxidants, loaded with nutrients, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus and vitamins A, C, E, K and B complex. The spice has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to relieve arthritis and joint pain, high level of carotenoids which gives the spice it’s rich colour for disease prevention, more specifically cancers, lowers blood pressure, improves energy, promotes sleep and promotes healthy digestion. Who ever thought paprika has so much health benefits!
There are eight different types/varieties of paprika grown in Hungary. Most often used is the sweet variety that is vibrant red colour (édesnemes), others are more pungent, delicate in their flavour. The hot variety (erős) is light brown-orange colour. It definitely adds heat to your dish.

Creta oregano is known throughout Greece, the Mediterranean and around the world for it’s outstanding Gold Award Winning herb used in many incredible culinary creations, however, it goes beyond that. Oregano tea from freshly dried leaves are fragrant, earthy and they are very concentrated in their flavour, that is bold, earthy with a lovely floral scent to add depth and flavour to a dish and providing a nutritional benefit as well.
Teas have been used for centuries as a traditional medicine around the Mediterranean region. Oregano tea has been used to soothe different ailments including cough, sore throat and nausea.
It’s believed to treat muscle ache, colds, digestive problems, skin sores, painful cramps, respiratory conditions, constipation and diarrhea. Reduces gas and indigestion and fights viral infections
Oregano is high in antioxidants that help fight off free radicals in the body and prevent further cell damage that leads to cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
It is know as an antibacterial which can fight bacterial infections. That’s why when oregano oil is known to be potent and widely used for nasty colds.
Offers anti-inflammatory benefits for those who suffer with chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, heart disease and obesity.
Now you know, many nutritional and important benefits. If you haven’t had Oregano tea before, I highly recommend you try it! When I first tasted Gaia Fine Food’s Greek Oregano tea, I was surprised at the potency and rich flavour. This oregano adds so much flavour to my dishes, it doesn’t compare to what you purchase in the grocery stores. It will definitely take your dishes to the next level and add so much flavour to any of your recipes! I highly recommend it. Give this Gold Award Winning Oregano a try!! Go to Gaia Fine Foods and use my discount coupon HUNGARYSOUL24 for 25% discount.

Cucumbers tend to get lost in the shuffle since we hear so much about the health benefits in other colourful vegetables. Surprisingly, they do have several and if you are so inclined to go the extra mile and preserve them as pickles, there are additional health benefits.
Would you believe cucumbers are considered a fruit, since they develop from a flower and it contains seeds. However, just like other fruits, tomato being one, we used them as a vegetable when preparing our dishes.
Cucumbers contains about 96% water, so it helps to prevent dehydration. They contain many important nutrients, Vitamin A, B, C, K, manganese, copper and potassium. It has anti-inflammatory properties to improve skin aliments. Improves energy and it helps to maintain healthy body weight and bone loss. Lowers risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. It is said, they contain phytochemicals, and antioxidants that eliminate free radicals cells and improve immunity. Enjoy it as a salad, or on it’s own.

Chicken soup has been around for centuries and how often have we heard people say, “chicken soup will help you feel better?” Well, it happens to be true. There is something comforting about having a bowl of homemade chicken soup when we are fighting a cold, the flu or just simple under the weather. Apparently, there has been enough studies to indicate chicken soup will help the common cold by clearing the nasal passages to release the mucus and it also helps with avoid dehydration.
The chicken in the soup is a good source of protein that helps the immune system. The B vitamins and minerals are also beneficial to boosting our immunity and the anti-inflammatory properties helps to relax our muscles so we feel less discomfort. In addition, the chicken has tryptophan which produces serotonin and we all know what serotonin does, right? It puts us in a happy place.
The vegetables have lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that helps us bounce back more quickly. We can’t forget the noodles that gives us the energy we need so don’t feel so sluggish. So I think we can say, chicken soup is not only for the soul, but an excellent source of food when we are sick.

Surprisingly, Rhubarb is considered a vegetable, not a fruit which most people would have thought since we are accustom to sweet desserts, jams, sauces and believe it or not, the stalks are also used for making cocktails and wine! Rhubarb is rich in Vitamin C, K, B complex, calcium, potassium, magnesium, fiber, rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants.
There are several health benefits which include low in calories, so enjoy that piece of pie! (with minimal sugar that is) Rhubarb aids in bone growth and repair, improves digestion, has anti-aging properties, improves blood circulation, reduces heart disease, helps to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and the powerful antioxidants acts as an anti-cancer preventative. So with that said, make the effort to scout out some local rhubarb. It is a short season, so indulge and don’t forget to freeze enough during those cold winter months!

Eggs: So which is it, are eggs healthy for us or not?? This debate has been going on for years; as it was first thought they are healthy and then when people were being diagnosed with high cholesterol, it was thought to blame the eggs! Now, there has been enough studies to indicate that eggs are healthy and evidence has shown that there is little, if any relationship between cholesterol found in food in heart disease or blood cholesterol levels.
Eggs are high in protein which helps us to stay satisfied longer. The fat comes from the yolk is mainly unsaturated, being the healthier fat. Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which maintains brain function and normal vision. The list of nutrients found in eggs is crazy! Here is goes, vitamin A, B2, B5, B12, D, E, biotin, choline, folic acid, iodine, iron, lutein, phosphorus, and selenium. Wow! Now we know the goodness in eggs, so don’t hesitate, go for it and get cracking!

Basil is not only one of most flavourful culinary herbs used in cooking but also used for many medicinal purposes. This beautiful fragrant herb has many benefits and there are several varieties which allows us to expand our uses.
I was pleasantly surprised of the benefits to using the leaves of a basil plant. It’s antibacterial properties is said to help to improve digestion by balancing our pH level for a healthier gut. Helps with insomnia and headaches which I never thought to consider when I suffer from migraines. Basil’s strong anti-inflammatory properties may help lower heart disease, treating rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. Also known to soothe fever, sore throat, cold, cough, flu when consumed.
The Holy Basil is said to prevent cancer. It’s antioxidants and phytochemicals may help prevent certain types of cancers, such as lung, liver, oral and skin. These properties may also help prevent some harmful effects of aging.
Basil essential oil is said to help manage anxiety and stress. The herb stimulates the neurotransmitters that regulate the hormones responsible for stimulating happiness and energy.
Who knew all the great benefits we get from this special herb. Whether you grow herbs yourself in your own home, or garden, or you rely on your local market or grocery store, this one is a must to have on hand. Make some pesto and add it to your sandwich, pasta dish or pizza. Either way, it adds such flavour to a recipe!

Beans come in different varieties in the form of bean pods, legumes, peas and lentils. Some of the most popular beans known to us are lima beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, garbanzo beans, navy beans, pinto beans and red/kidney beans. They are available dry, canned or frozen.
Beans offer several health benefits which include an excellent source of fiber, protein and B vitamins. They are rich in antioxidants which helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and prevents diabetes to name a few. They help reduce blood sugar levels, improve cholesterol levels and help to maintain a healthy gut which is known to benefit overall health.
The risks of consuming peanuts and soy can result in an allergic reaction for some people. It is a good idea to soak dry beans over night, or cooking them in boiling water to help reduce gas and intestinal discomfort. It is recommended for canned beans to rinse them thoroughly to reduce the same discomfort.
Beans, lentils and legumes are overlooked in many cases and should be a staple to replace meat as often as possible. Not only is it a healthy option but is environmentally friendly. A new Japanese study revealed, the secret to live a long life, means eating more plant-based proteins. Researchers believe, just replacing three per cent of total energy from red meat to plant protein could result in a risk reduction of 15 years.
My suggestion is, have a bean salad or soup, or make a bean dip, or a bean stir-fry for dinner each week as substitute to meat. Beans are so versatile that we can do so many things with them and can be enjoyed.
Daily Recommendations of fiber: 25 gram per day for adults women and 35 grams for adult men. Just to give you a better idea, a 1/2 cup of bean salad offers 5 grams of fiber.

Chocolate is such popular and well-loved food all over the world and understandable so!
The healthiest variety is the dark chocolate because it’s made from raw cacao and not processed as milk or white chocolate which is why it has so many health benefits.
- Rich in Antioxidants – polyphenol and flavonoids are the most common found in the cacao. Protects the body from free radicals – free radicals are compounds which come from the environment and processed foods
- Beneficial to the skin – bioactive compounds found in dark chocolate help maintain the skin texture, protects the skin from sun damage and increases the skin’s hydration and density.
- Improves heart health – the flavonoids maintain the blood flow to the brain and heart also reduces the risk of stroke and blood clots.
- Rich in nutrients – fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, zinc and selenium to name a few.
- Helps in maintaining cholesterol levels – the polyphenols can increase your levels of the good cholesterol and reduce levels of bad cholesterol
- Works like a stress buster – dark chocolate helps with improving people’s mood, making them feel happier. It stimulates endorphins and contains serotonin, the happy hormone. Research shows dark chocolate may benefit patients who suffer from depression and mental health issues.
- Improves cognitive functions – dark chocolate is an excellent brain food, it can boost a person’s memory. Therefore, dark chocolate would be especially helpful to the elderly who are suffering from a stroke, dementia, and more due to the reduced blood flow to the brain.
- Regulates level of blood sugar and blood pressure – dark chocolate is very effective in lowering blood pressure especially in people with diabetes and hypertension.
Conclusion: Remember just like any food, it’s wise to eat in moderation. 🙂