my trip to budapest, hungary

In 2012, my family and I travelled to Hungary for the first time. It was the best trip ever! My sister and I had the chance to experience our family heritage for the first time. We explored the beautiful city of Budapest by strolling along the shops on Andrassy Avenue and St. Stephen’s Basilica was spectacular! It was one of most beautiful churches I have been in, and I have been in many. Margaret Island sits in the middle of the Danube and we were able to take in some of the sites. I would have to say it is a perfect view of Buda and Pest. We dipped in the Szechenyi Thermal Spring Baths and many of the locals will go daily as it has many physical benefits. Both my parents were born in Hungary, so we drove through a small village where my Mom was born and the city my Dad was raised in. Exploring both Buda and Pest gives you the appreciation of their beauty and uniqueness of what each offers. We ate only Hungarian food of course and it was exactly what the travel books say – absolutely fabulous!!!
This trip connected me to my roots and appreciation for my family heritage even more! I knew the direction I needed to take to start this blog and that was to share, create, and further explore my passion and love of food. The recipes I made to start my blog are some of the popular dishes you would find in Hungarian cuisine. I encourage you to try them, they are delicious, rich in flavour, elaborate and yet known to many as comfort food. I look forward to reading your comments. Enjoy! Elvez!

Once we spent a few days in Pest, we went to explore Buda. It was a much quieter surroundings except for the tourist as you enter Buda and a place for leisure sightseeing experience. It is consider to be more residential side of the city.
I have to say there was more to do and see in Pest. We explored the several well-known buildings and museums; had to experience the thermal spring baths, and of course shopping along Váci utca (street). It is the go to place when you are in pest. There are designer shops, and several restaurants to choose from.

St. Stephen’s Basilica was one of the first stops we made once we arrived in Budapest. It is the largest Roman Catholic church in Budapest and named after the first king St. Stephen. The inside was created by Hungary’s most well-known sculptors and painters. It features many different types of marble, beautifully decorated chapels, and many sculptures, including basilica’s patron saint, who was the first Christian king of Hungary.

To get the full experience of the local food, you need to visit the Central Market Hall in Budapest. It is one of the best places to really get the feel for the locals. A perfect place to explore Hungary’s culinary experience while visiting with the local vendors, and grabbing a bite to eat at one of the traditional street food vendors. It is considered one of Europe’s finest indoor markets. It sits on three levels and there are several souvenir shops to explore and pick up something special to take home.
The second photo is a typical view of what you would see as you browse along side streets whether it’s in Budapest or outside of the city at one the local towns.

The last night we had dinner on a small cruise boat, and had the chance to view Buda and Pest as we sailed along the Danube. It was a gorgeous evening and ending with fireworks!!
Thank you for sharing! I don’t travel, but was seriously planning to get my passport and take my Mom and Great Aunt to Hungary,,,,then Covid hit and completely changed my world. My Aunt sadly passed recently and my Mom and I are a bit hesitant of traveling over seas. I want to see Sarospatak, where the Molnar side of my family immigrated from. I have lots of recipes in both Magyar and English from books if you would like a copy.
Hi Cindy,
Thank you for your email. I am so pleased you took the time to read about my trip to Hungary. I am so sorry to hear about your Aunt. I understand your hesitation to travel overseas. Maybe in time, things will continue to improve, and you and your Mom will feel more comfortable to travel. I can’t express enough, my trip to Hungary was incredible. To see where my Mom and Dad came from, and the emotional connection was overwhelming. It is a unforgettable trip, and I highly recommend it.
I do have a lot of Mom’s recipes and a few church recipe books we picked up throughout the years. If you have an extra copy, that would be lovely.
Thank you for reaching out. Take care Cindy.
I loved Hungary! Can’t wait to go back
Hi Fran,
I did too! My trip was like no other! The connection I felt was like home and the people were so friendly and wonderful. The food, well what can I say, I was in heaven! It was reasonable and so was the wine.
I feel the same, can’t wait to go back.
Thank you for your comment and connecting with me 🙂
Hi Rose
I stumbled on your site because I was looking for a recipe for Hungarian chicken soup and Voila! Let me tell you a bit about myself…My mom is first generation Hungarian. I knew both her parents (and what a treat!) I took her and my father back in 2000 to see family…and to see her godmother (Rosa)’s home. I connected with a cousin while we were there and have traveled back as he has been to my house several times as well. Your site is fabulous! Dishes that Grandma didn’t make, and I thought she made everything!!! I’ve been too chatty, but I would enjoy talking to you anytime. Please feel free.
Tisztelettel, Kathy
Hi Kathy,
I apologize for the late response. I am so thrilled you messaged me. I would be more than happy to chat with you. Where do you live? I could easily send
you an email from my personal email account. What do you think?